If you have any photos from lodge events please forward to sgbfhistorian@gmail.com
Members of SG-BF #45 attended the Ceremony by the Washington Daylight Lodge No. 14
February 17, 2025
Trip to Mount Vernon to decorate Brother George Washington's grave on his birthday. RW Levy presented the invocation at the tomb.
The first Stated in our new schedule on Sunday afternoons. After a wonderful meal by Denise the brothers attending welcomed our presenter. Bro. Charles Matulewicz - Presented on Archeostronomy, to those attending which is the study of the astronomical knowledge of ancient peoples.
Brother Marcelin is our Grand Lodge Physician (mother lodge: L'Haitienne Lodge 925) and he was kind enough to come out to our lodge to deliver his presentation on CPR and the use of an AED . It was a great event with life saving practice of "Hands Only" CPR and AED on manikins .
It was a "shocking" event for all!
WB Jerry Keilsohn practicing his Chest Compressions
Most Worshipful Brother Jacob M. Bressman, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia F.A.A.M.
5 Year Award
Worshipful Brother Jerry Keilsohn presented Brother Ryan Simon with his 5-Year service certificate.
5 year Award
Most Worshipful Brother Jacob M. Bressman presented our Worshipful Master Aaron Kamerer with his 5-Year service certificate.
BrotherJoel Van Vollenhoven was not present and will receive his certificates at a future meeting.
10 Year Award
Worshipful Brother Jerry Kielsohn and his son, Bro. William (Willie) Kielsohn received 10 year service awards from Most Worshipful Brother Bressman and Worshipful Brother Kamerer.
Worshipful Brother Robert (Bob) Greenwald and Brothers Thomas Henry and Arik Shalom will also receive 10-Year Service Certificates.
15 Year Award
Right Worshipful Brother Jean-Paul Dongmo received his award for 15 years of service to the Craft.
15 Year Award
Brother Harold Henig received his award for 15 years of service to the Craft from Worshipful Brother Jerry Keilsohn.
Brother Jonathan Cohen was unable to attend and will also receive his 15-Year service certificate at a future meeting.
30 Year Award
Most Worshipful Brother Alan Gordon receives the 30 year service award from Worshipful Brother Aaron Kamerer and Most Worshipful Brother Jacob M. Bressman
35 Year Award (left to right)
Worshipful Brother Aaron Kamerer, Worshipful Brother Alan Friedman, and Most Worshipful Brother Jacob M. Bressman .
Brother Julius Rudden was uable to attend and will receive his 35-Year Service Certificates.
40 Year Award (left to right)
Worshipful Brother Aaron Kamerer and Most Worshipful Brother Jacob M. Bressman present Most Worshipful Brother Robert Starr with his 40th year of service certificate.
David Kahn was uable to attend and will also receive the 40-Year Service Certificate.
50 Years Award
Brother Ronald Rubin was uable to attend and will receive his 50 Year Service Certificates.
60 Years Award
Brothers Stanley Albert, Zalmon Chelec, Max Dekelbaum,Gerald Herson, Charles Stopak were uable to attend and will receive their 60 Year Service Certificates.
65 Year Award
Worshipful Brother Aaron Kamerer and Most Worshipful Brother Jacob M. Bressman presents the 65 year award to Right Worhipful Brother Harold Grainger.
Harold Grainger, 1930-2024 : We are grateful to have had the presence of RWB Grainger at our September Communication. His presence and spirit there was a joy for all who attended.
Samuel Gompers-Benjamin Franklin Lodge #45
Takoma Park, Maryland , United States
Special: Sunday March 30, 2025, 3pm
Sunday May 18, 2025 3pm
Sunday August 17, 2025 3pm,
Sunday November 16,, 2025 3pm: Elections
Sunday December 21, 2025 3pm: Installation